Die Biegerei der Zukunft in Lübeck

SÜLZLE Stahlpartner opens rebar fab shop of the future


New production and logistics concept in Lübeck

On 25 May, SÜLZLE Stahlpartner opened an ultra-modern rebar fab shop on around 10,000 square metres in the Lübeck harbour at the Nordlandkai. Customers benefit not only from the expanded capacities, but also from fully automated, digitized and networked processes. The ” rebar fab shop 4.0″ enables SÜLZLE to respond even faster and more flexibly to enquiries – and also ensures even more precise bending accuracy.

Industry 4.0 – the digitization and networking of production and logistics processes – is also gaining ground in the steel trade. SÜLZLE Stahlpartner, one of the largest reinforcing steel traders and rebar fab shop companies in Germany, consistently relies on new technologies at its location in Lübeck: In around twelve months, the company, together with suppliers, leading machine manufacturers and software houses, has implemented one of the most modern rebar fab shop in Europe. All processes are perfectly coordinated, automated and consistently controlled by computer – from receipt of the raw material to delivery of the finished bent parts to the customer. The transmission of technical data from the customer to the production planning department is possible by conventional way as well as via a software interface with CAD data, for example on the basis of virtual 3D planning.

SÜLZLE deliberately chose the port area as its location, explains branch manager Martin Vestring: “Here we have the option of having our raw material delivered by truck, rail or ship. This simplifies and accelerates procurement and time reduces our CO2 footprint at the same”. In Lübeck, SÜLZLE Stahlpartner processes up to 250 tons of reinforcing steel per day, in addition to reinforcement meshes and other components.

In addition to the modern machinery, the heart of the new rebar fab shop  is the unique production and logistics concept, which sets new industry standards in both areas. “This has enormous advantages for our customers,” emphasizes Heinrich Sülzle, executive partner of the SÜLZLE Group. “This enables us to react even faster and more flexibly to their wishes and to supply them with reinforcing steel with an even higher bending precision than before. The

consistent computer control system also helps to avoid errors and thus further improve the delivery quality”. In recent years, the Lübeck location has developed into one of the largest rebar fab shops in the region and is a partner of construction companies, industry and craft businesses. “Our investment in the  rebar fab shop 4.0 is a very important step towards digital transformation in order to shape the future together with our customers,” explains Heinrich Sülzle.

Around 60 employees at the location complete the comprehensive service in two shifts. “We think that we are setting a milestone for the German bending culture with rebar fab shop,” describes Andreas Sülzle, also executive partner.

Impressions of the opening ceremony can be found here.