on life
for second chances

DKMS – We defeat blood cancer

DKMS stands for the Deutsche Knochenmarkspenderdatei (German bone marrow donor file), which set itself the goal of finding a suitable donor for each blood cancer patient or of making the entrance for therapies possible – not only in Germany, but world-wide. It sees its main tasks in the following areas:

  • Attracting attention to blood cancer diseases and their medical treatment
  • Registration of potential stem cell donors to save the lives of patients
  • Motivate the public and businesses to undertake registration actions
  • Raising donations in the fight against blood cancer, for example to finance registration costs and support patients
  • Support the further development of therapies against blood cancer – through its own research and state-of-the-art technology in our laboratory
  • Maintaining a sustainable relationship with our donors from the day of registration

What is the DKMS and what does it do?


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SÜLZLE KOPF supports the DKMS

The following facts show how important the work of the DKMS is:

Every 15 minutes,

a patient in Germany is diagnosed with blood cancer

Only about 33 %

of all blood cancer patients find a suitable donor within the family

Every 10th patient

searches in vain for a suitable donor

Therefore SÜLZLE KOPF was concerned to support the DKMS in two respects:

On 16.12. we became active ourselves and organised a registration event for our employees at our headquarters. Everyone had thereby the possibility of letting themselves be taken up during the work time as potential stem cell donors into the international file of the DKMS. We are pleased that this chance was taken so numerously and almost the entire staff in Sulz a. N. could be registered.

Additionally SÜLZLE KOPF supported the DKMS with a money donation, in order to cover the resulting costs for the registrations as well as to advance further projects and researches.

