The SÜLZLE Group donates

Ukraine donation campaign of TSG Balingen


TSG Balingen organises a relief organisation for the people in Ukraine. Donations are collected and relief supplies are brought to the border between Poland and Ukraine.
Through various cooperations in the region, minibuses and trucks are filled with hygiene articles, clothing and food supplies.
The SÜLZLE Group, as a supporter of TSG Balingen, is participating in the relief action and donating 10,000€. One of our employees – Lucas Schreijäg – has agreed to privately accompany the transport and drive a vehicle.
Thank you for the commitment of all involved!

If you would still like to donate, you can simply do so to the account we have set up. Here are the transfer details:

Sparkasse Zollernalb
IBAN: DE84 6535 1260 0134 1249 00
Recipient „Rotes Kreuz“

Reason for transfer: “TSG Ukraine” / Please include your name and address in the reason for transfer so that the Red Cross can easily issue a donation receipt and send it to you.